We would like to take the opportunity to thank all the speakers and participants who attended the Berlin 2007 Conference „Europe: Not Without the People!“ We would also like to thank those who helped in the creation and organisation of the Conference.

Harry Van Bommel
MP, Socialistische Partij


Patricia McKenna
Green Party Ireland


David Heathcoat-Amory
MP, Conservative Party


Over 100 participants, representing nearly every EU member state, came to listen and debate the topics of the conference. There was also a strong media interest, with many journalists from all over Europe attending the conference. For the press release please visit the news section of the website.

Our Alternative Berlin Declaration was debated and conclusions drawn from the debate and the conference plenums were used to create the final version of the Declaration. To view the Declaration please click on the link below.

Presentations given by the speakers can now be found on the info-page of the website.

The Conference was concluded with a public event in which the want of the people for referenda on Europe was presented in front of the Siegessäule (Victory Column) in Berlin.

The Alternative Berlin Declaration is also available in German, Danish, Spanish, French, Romanian, Italian and Slovak.

Friday 23rd March 2007
15.00 – 16.00 Registration
16.00 – 16.20 Welcome and introduction by the organisers
Gerald Häfner, Mehr Demokratie e.V. (D)
Dr. Christoph Strawe, Netzwerk Dreigliederung (D)
Sharon Ellul Bonici, EUDemocrats (MT)
16.20 – 17.50 The lack of democracy in the European Union
Why the EU and the EU Constitution are undemocratic
Dr. Michael Efler, board member, Mehr Demokratie e.V. (D)
The undemocratic creation of the EU Constitution
Etienne Chouard (F)
Why the EU Constitution must not be adopted
Prof. Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider (D)
17.50 – 18.20 Break
18.20 – 19.20 Campaigns to stop the EU Constitution.
The French and Dutch experience.
Conclusions of the European No Campaign (ENC)
Thomas Rupp, EUDemocrats, former ENC-coordinator (D)
Reports on the Campaign in the Netherlands and France.
Why the French and the Dutch people really said „no“?
Harry van Bommel MP, Socialist Party (NL)
19.20 – 20.00 Break
20.00 – 21.30 Come Together – Networking – Snacks
Opening of the exhibition “Citizens Agenda“
Géraud de Ville de Goyet, EUDemocrats
Introduction of the participating organisations
Saturday 24th March 2007
08.30 – 09.00 Arrival, welcome coffee
09.00 – 10.00 The European Union – goals, chances, dangers
Round Table Debate with input-reports
What are the chances and problems of the European Union? What should be its goals? Which democratic reforms are needed to make it a success?
Paul Stephenson (UK), Prof. Hans Herbert von Arnim (D),
Peter Kopecky (SK), Nikolaj Bliznakov (BG)
Nils Lundgren (SE)
10.00 – 12.10 Workshops to collect requests
for a democratic reform of the EU
Workshop 1: Real subsidiarity and decentralisation
What is real subsidiarity? How can it be introduced and kept up? Which problems are better solved by the EU, which competences should remain with the member states? What role should national parliaments play? How regimentation and bureaucracy could be reduced?
Roman Huber (D) and Ulrich Rösch (D)
Workshop 2: How to get a transparent EU
How the EU commission can be democratised? How the decision making process in the EU can be more transparent? How lobbyism in Brussels can be controlled? How access to important data and documents can be secured?
Erik Wesselius (NL) and Hans-Martin Tillack (D)
Workshop 3: Institutional reforms and democratic control
Can the existing EU model be reformed? How the institutions and their competences should be changed? Majority voting or unanimity? Why we need new rules for the democratic procedures? How the decision making process could be reformed?
Gerald Häfner (D) and Andreas Wehr (D)
Workshop 4: Direct democracy on EU-Level
What are the advantages and disadvantages of direct democracy (initiative & referendum) on EU politics? How could these instruments look like? What were the consequences for the development of the EU?
Juan-Carlos Madroñal (E) and Michael Efler (D)
Workshop 5: How to safeguard fundamental rights?
Is the EU a hope or a threat to civil liberties as well as social and democratic rights? How can they be widened and developed?  Do we need a Charter of fundamental rights? Should the impact of the European Court of Justice be limited?
Christoph Strawe (D) and Thomas Rupp (D)
12.10 – 12.30 Break
12.30 – 13.30 Plenum
Conclusions from the workshops with regard to concrete demands.
13.30 – 15.00 Lunch Break
15.00 – 16.30 A democratic EU or an EU of democracies?
Podium – What kind of structure should the EU have? Flexible cooperation, opt-out models, regional cooperation or a European state? How we can safeguard democracy? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different models?
Prof. Thomas Wallgren (FIN), Patrica McKenna (IRL),
David Heathcoat-Amory MP (UK), Tobias Pflüger MEP (D)
16.30 – 17.00 Break
17.00 – 19.00 How to create a way towards a Europe of the Citizens?
Round Table Debate with input-reports –
Proposals from the civil society to overcome the democratic and constitutional crisis in Europe How is the democratic and constitutional crisis to be solved? How can we get citizens involved in the future of Europe? Do we need a directly elected Convention, a Citizens‘ Convention, or an alternative EU Constitution?
Gerald Häfner (D), Klaus Starke (D),
Herbert Schliffka (D), Sven Giegold (D)
Raquel Garrido (F)
19.00 – 20.00 Break
20.15 – 23.00 Nachtcafé
Dinner, talks and cultural contributions
Sunday 25th March 2007
09.30 – 10.30 Discussion and adoption of the Berlin Declaration
11.00 – 13.00 Public event in Berlin and official Press Conference
Presentation of our demands to the IGC and to Bundestag.
There shall be simultaneous translation (German/English) throughout the whole Conference.

Berlin 2007 – Europe Not Without The People Conference

We would like to take the opportunity to thank all the speakers and participants who attended the Berlin 2007 Conference „Europe: Not Without the People!“ We would also like to thank those who helped in the creation and organisation of the Conference.

Harry Van Bommel
MP, Socialistische Partij


Patricia McKenna
Green Party Ireland


David Heathcoat-Amory
MP, Conservative Party


Over 100 participants, representing nearly every EU member state, came to listen and debate the topics of the conference. There was also a strong media interest, with many journalists from all over Europe attending the conference. For the press release please visit the news section of the website.

Our Alternative Berlin Declaration was debated and conclusions drawn from the debate and the conference plenums were used to create the final version of the Declaration. To view the Declaration please click on the link below.

Presentations given by the speakers can now be found on the info-page of the website.

The Conference was concluded with a public event in which the want of the people for referenda on Europe was presented in front of the Siegessäule (Victory Column) in Berlin.

The Alternative Berlin Declaration is also available in German, Danish, Spanish, French, Romanian, Italian and Slovak.


“Europe – not without the people!”

Conference on the Future of Europe,
23–25 March 2007, Berlin

The Conclusions of the EU summit in June 2006 state: “The European Council calls for the adoption, on 25th March 2007 in Berlin, of a political declaration by EU leaders, setting out Europe’s values and ambitions and confirming their shared commitment to deliver them, commemorating 50 years of the Treaties of Rome.“
Respect the French and Dutch No!

We believe that the present Heads of State and Heads of Government who will meet in Berlin, have not shown sufficient interest in the values, ambitions and expectations of European citizens.

In 2005, there was a clear rejection of the proposed EU Constitution by the French and Dutch voters. In addition, polls suggest, that in many other member states there are also majorities against it. It would be a serious mistake to go further with a new treaty for the European Union on the basis of this constitution, which has been so forcefully and democratically rejected.

“We believe that the
EU leaders do not have
a real interest in the
values, ambitions and
expectations of
European citizens.”

The commitment of EU leaders should be towards the citizens they ought to represent.A conference for the citizens

We are holding our conference on the Future of Europe on 23 – 25 March 2007 in Berlin to make sure that EU leaders fully understand our concerns and demands.

Instead of an elitist celebration of the past we prefer to address real problems: How to create a democratic Europe of the citizens? How can we achieve and safeguard real subsidiarity, democratic control, transparency and direct citizen participation?


“We want them to
understand that their
approach to the
democratic crises in
the EU has to based on
the will, hopes and
needs of the citizens.”

During the conference representatives from civil society from across the EU will propose and debate ways out of the present democratic and constitutional crisis. We will focus on democracy as a basic European value, which includes freedom, participation and solidarity.The Berlin Declaration puts the citizens in charge

Our Berlin Declaration will be presented to European leaders and national parliaments, and with it we will confront them with our demands.

We want EU leaders to understand that their approach to the democratic crises in the EU is not sufficiently based on  the  will, hopes and needs of the citizens. There cannot be any more EU integration without the consent of its citizens.

If these problems will not be addressed, debated and solved honestly and with a sustainable perspective more and more people will quit their support for the project of the European Union. The EU will only be considered legitimate if its citizens are given a real possibility to contribute and to decide about their future in Europe.Join us in Berlin!We look forward to the participation of NGOs, movements, networks and political activists from all across Europe who represent a wide range of views reflecting the cultural and political diversity of our continent. And even if our objectives, how the EU should look like in ten years time, will be different or in some points even contradictory, we all shall agree that only through democracy we can hope to achieve our goal of another and better Europe.

The Speakers:

Harry Van Bommel
MP, Socialistische Partij .
Roman Huber
Managing Director
Mehr Demokratie
David Heathcoat-Amory
MP, Conservative Party
Patricia Mckenna
Green Party, Ireland
Dr. Christoph Strawe
CEO, Institute for Social Present-Day Questions
Thomas Rupp
Communications and Networking
Hans Herbert
von Arnim

Former Professor of Public Law
Post Graduate School of Administrative Sciences, Speyer
Sven Giegold
Political Activist
Erik Wesselius
Corporate Europe Observatory
Tobias Pflüger
Herbert Schliffka
Board Member,
Klaus Starke
Juan Carlos Madroñal
Más Democracia
Gerald Häfner
Spokesperson for the Board Mehr Demokratie and former MP
German Parliament
Prof. Thomas Wallgren
Professor of Philosophy, University of Helsinki
Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider
Professor of Public Law,
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Peter Kopecky
Former Slovakian Ambassador to Romania
Andreas Wehr
Political Activist
(Linkspartei, PDS)
Ulrich Rösch
Social Scientist,
Goetheanum, Dornach Switzerland
Etienne Chouard
College Professor and
Political Activist,
Marseille, France
Hans-Martin Tillack
Stern Magazine
Michael Efler
Member of the District Board
Mehr Demokratie
Géraud de Ville
Campaigner and Communications Officer,
Nils Lundgren

Sharon Ellul-Bonici
Secretary General
Paul Stephenson
Head of Research
Open Europe
Nikolaj Bliznakov
Plovdiv Universitet, Bulgaria
This website is still being updated and more speakers will be added.

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